MYS – Me & Your Stories
Erasmus+ project to strengthen social inclusion in school communities through multimedia story(re)telling of personal stories. Development of the MYS Toolbox, a collection of lesson plans and multimedia tools for teachers and learners.
Me and Your Stories was an Erasmus+ project between 2019 and 2022. has cooperated with four other partners from Austria, Romania, Slovakia and the UK. Together, we have developed a web-based toolbox for schools to strengthen social inclusion in school communities - MYS Toolbox. We have tested and implemented it in all partner languages in the partner schools, carried out seminars and conferences and talk to policy makers about the importance of fostering inclusion through stregthening social skills of young people.
MYS - Philosophy is based on human rights education, critical thinking, multimedia advocacy and universal design for learning.
MYS - Storytelling is a collection of group activities as lesson plans. They are divided into six themes and presented like a menu. Starters are short energisers and provide an easy introduction to the topic, soups raise awareness about diverse life realities and main courses encourage to tell-listen-retell and understand personal stories.
MYS- Multimedia Toolkit gives learners access to a variety of interactive tools - from filmmaking to sound and eBook production, stop motion app, virtual whiteboards, padlet, slido, answergarden and others. All tools are presented in the form of learner cards. Through the use of multimedia, we want to encourage young people to share their stories with their community, according to their individual communication needs and skills.
The aim of the MYS project is to promote mutual understanding, combat prejudice and create a positive learning environment in the classroom. We want to make the diversity of stories visible, promote mutual respect between learners and share common values in school communities. MYS was active in five EU countries and is co-funded by Erasmus+.
The MYS Toolbox is a freely accessible web-based application for interdisciplinary use in the classroom to strengthen social inclusion in school communities. It includes group exercises provided as lesson plans for educators and a collection of multimedia tools for learners. The MYS Toolbox is freely available in English, German, Slovak and Romanian.
MYS-Projekt in Social Media